Sunday, December 23, 2007

Elder Scott Merrill's World

Tempe Arizona Mission Serving November 2006 - 2009

December 19, 2007 Letter
Today was transfers and I'm staying, my companion left and my new one was in my last area. (for some reason Scott never remembers to give names, stay tuned for his companions update) and we are pretty good friends. It still getting cold here but hey it should be good. They split my area so now its small but it will still be good. I will try to call you (meaning for Christmas) I still don't know yet (If he still wants to be in the will he better call) this Christmas will be fun I am in a good area, I hope you will have one also. I think it would be different to be gone for Christmas(as a family we decided since the boys are gone, making our Christmas lonely we would take a cruise for Christmas) but I hope all is well. It's been 13 months now (since he has been in the mission field) the time goes by so fast. In a couple of weeks we should get a couple of baptisms, the people are great and each time we meet with them their testimony is getting stronger and that's great. How is every one doing? It has been so fun out here just helping people out so much.

bye i love you

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